"The true character of society is revealed in how it treats its children" − Nelson
NPO Tomorrow4isibani has been working with the local NPO Inspired Hope (formerly Isiphephelo Winterton Organization/Isibani)
since 2008 to create a better future for the residents of Khethani, a neighborhood on the outskirts of
Winterton− Kwazulu Natal − South Africa.
The majority of the township is carrier of or is affected by HIV / AIDS. This has led to the impoverishment and
breakdown of families. Many families are run by the grandparents or in some cases only by the children because
there are no adults left. In a society that no longer recognizes traditional values and norms, these children are
particularly vulnerable. They often fall victim to crime, rape or assault.
Because this group is most affected in this society the NPO Tomorrow4sibani focuses on projects related to
assistance, primarily with children and youth. We work closely with the government departments and build relationships with
INSPIRED HOPE is a community center in Khethani district, known to the population as "Ekukhanyeni".
We are contacted by parents, relatives, neighbours, the school or the police. We attach great importance to
sustainability and independence for the local population.
- Reception office social and health problems
- Teenage pregnancies, rape, STD
- Alcohol and drug use, glue sniffers
- Conflicts of all kinds, intimidation
- Problems related to residence or identity papers
- School problems, malnutrition, racism, suicide
- Human trafficking, Sugar Daddies
After the intake interviews, our employees refer the customer to the correct body. We follow up every file.
- Matt 25 is our food distribution program. We provide an average of 150 families in Khethani and surrounding
farms with a monthly food parcel.
- With the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) program we want people to recognize their own talents in
order to stand up for themselves and live independently. We also organize gardening workshops or sewing
- Awareness campaigns about the various social and health problems in surrounding schools